over 1000+ students have already benefited from our services. About 99.9% of them have achieved their band scores in one take.
At NR Review Center, we pride ourselves on catering to individuals with diverse learning capacities and educational backgrounds. Discover the many reasons why we stand out...
We provide top-notch services at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
With a wide range of scheduling options, you can learn at your own pace at your most convenient time.
We offer free consulting sessions to help you make informed decisions about your learning journey.
Our personalized coaching sessions ensure you receive the individual attention you need to succeed.
Our student-to-teacher ratio never goes beyond 10:1, ensuring each student receives ample attention and support.
With over 5 years of experience, we have a proven track record of success in the industry.
Here at NR Review Center we focus on you and not just Revenue. We are here to provide you with the best exam prepration possible for you to achieve your Target Band Score .
Ideal for quickly preparing for the exam. Take the exam in 1-month time.
Ideal for achieving Higher Band Scores
Ideal for preparing for a specific skill targetting only your weakness.
NR Review Center is dedicated to providing you with exceptional services. We offer a range of services, some are free with no catch and no strings attached. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible experience, so you can focus on your preparation and achieve your goals.
We've partnered with IDP and the British Council, co-owners of the IELTS, to facilitate your exam bookings. We have also partnered with Pearson to facilitate the registration of PTE exam. Enjoy our complimentary service with added perks through our exclusive Exam Booking portal.
Book an ExamGet personalized advice on your IELTS prepration journey from our experienced consultants. We'll help you make informed decisions about your preparation, exam booking, and career path.
Book a ConsultationYou may want to self-review for some reasons. If you are in doubt about your preparation, our expert consultants will guide you through a comprehensive assessment of your language skills and give you insights on how to improve.
Book an AsessmentThis is what people have experienced at NR Review Center
I just got my IELTS result, and to my great surprise, I PASSED the IELTS exam! I couldn't have done it better without the help of this review center. I was hesitant about my own capability, but they kept on motivating me. No doubt, NR IELTS Review Center is receiving positive feedback, and I never regret choosing them among all review centers in Digos City.
JM AgravanteIELTS Reviewee & Band Score AchieverDo you have some Questions you wanna ask, or you have some offers, or might be confused which exam to take? We are here for you.